Monday, July 13, 2015


I have learned how to write more efficiently and fluently through my blogs. My thoughts present themselves in a more complete representation of my points and feelings. I haven't ever blogged before, and find it liberating and satisfying to write each day. My blogs might not interest everyone who reads them, but I still find my writing important to me. Writing is physical activity for my mind. Not unlike working out my muscles in weight training, writing these blogs is training my brain. I have found out things that I believed or thought, that previously evaded me through writing my blogs. My wife and I have read them and discussed in length my thought process. I have never kept a journal or written in this fashion. I find myself examining and thinking on different levels after blogging daily.

Writing is a new form of expressing myself. I play music and sing daily, but I have found that writing expresses a different side of me. I have delved deeper into my creative self, while finding out new things about myself on a daily basis. Like I said, it might not mean anything to someone else, but my words make an impact on me. I have a long way to go with writing, but I feel that I have found a companion in writing. I look forward to continuing blogging my thoughts and experiences as a form of expression. My wife loves writing, so we have found a new commonality together. I think that she is even going to start a daily blog of her own.


  1. Denton,
    I can relate to your thoughts on writing daily. I've never kept a journal or a blog, so this has been a new experience to me as well. I am really enjoying it and I am going to miss not writing daily once class is over. I have thought about keeping my blog and writing for fun. I have noticed that thoughts come to me quicker during conversations. I am usually shy around people I don't know very well so it feels good to converse with ease. I really feel this class has helped with that.

  2. I agree with you these blogs have definitely helped me become a better writer. I liked this assignment because it gives a chance to all kind of know each other a little better since we don't have that traditional classroom setttingl
