Thursday, July 9, 2015


Coffee has always been a "must have" daily ritual, or habit. My day would not be complete without a pot of coffee acting as my "starting fluid." I stole that one from my wife's grandpa. He always says that he can't start up without it. It doesn't matter what kind of coffee it is, I'll drink it. Columbian, organic, bold, smooth, just as long as it's not decaf. What's the point in drinking decaf. I guess if you like the taste, then that's your prerogative. I drink coffee in the morning and at night, before I go to work. I think I'm addicted to it. On the rare occasion that I miss my daily dose, I am edgy and usually get a headache from lack of caffeine. Ok, this is me telling the world that I'm a coffee addict! You heard it from the horse's mouth. I feel somewhat liberated. Anyway, i don't think I am the only one. It seems like every other person I meet swears by it. I think there are a lot worse habits. I'll take my chances. I even like coffee flavored candy, ice cream and candles. No, I didn't go out and buy the candle, my wife got it for me. She told me when she gave it to me, "Just don't eat it!" Tempting, but I think I'll pass. I often wonder what people did before coffee was produced? Maybe they just hit each other in the face and said, "wake up!" Anyway, keep making the coffee, I'll keep buying it.

1 comment:

  1. I love the smell of coffee. Unfortunately I do not like the taste. I wish I did!
