Sunday, July 19, 2015

Blogging Reflection

I have learned how to present myself through blogging daily while moving forward in my writing fluency. Most days, I have progressed in my word count and I have learned how to apply myself on a daily basis in writing. This exercise has broadened my outlook and understanding of what it is to blog daily. It takes a commitment to open myself to my writing and gives me a new voice through my blog. I am a very private person in general, and it took me some time to find my voice. The great thing about a personal blog is that I have complete control of what I write. At first, I thought "Who would want to hear about my daily experiences and views on topics? But after a couple of days, people started to respond to my thoughts and share their opinions and views. It has been a eye-opening exercise for me in general. I really didn't know what blogging was all about before I tried it. Sure, I had heard of it, but did not really understand all it entails.

Blogging is a good way to express yourself, while learning more about yourself through writing your thoughts out. My wife and I have had many conversations pertaining to my thoughts in blogging, and we have bonded through the process. For me personally, I have found a voice previously unknown to me. I feel like a more well-rounded writer and plan on continuing my blog in the future. I did not realize how much stuff I had to say about my son, wife, and my overall daily life experiences. Just like with music, I feel that I have found a new companion in writing. I posted a previous blog on writing before I knew that our last blog would be a reflection of our lesson experience. I guess the significance of blogging was already apparent to me. I still have a long way to go in professional writing, but as professor Anthony told us, "You are a writer." I have learned to embrace and believe that fact as I progressed through the class. I might not be the best writer, but a writer I am.

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