Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Writers Workbench

In researching the Writers Workbench I was refreshed on tools I need to write well. I have been out of shcool for 13 years and definitely needed the help. Some things started coming back to me that I learned in school, but many more I didn't know or remember. Taking out un-needed adverbs is a tool I need to work on. I am always using exceedingly, absolutely, and other repedititive words in my writing. It's amazing how much one can forget when not applying it to their daily lives. What is the saying, "If you don't use it, you lose it?" This has been the case with me. Another key element of writing that I need to work on is cutting out the fat in my work. I agree with mr. Clark on the fact that we fall in love with our writing and can put our whole thinking process into our writing instead of just putting in the needed content. I could go on all day long writing about every thought that crosses my mind, but this isn't necessary. It's all about editing all of that out and then putting the little bit needed to sustain your view or point. I'm sure I just did it there. Oh well. I'm freewriting. I can do that. One topic that interested me was using a powerful verb to give your character's actions depth. That makes complete sense to me. I just did the adverb thing again. Dang it. At least I'm noticing it now. I am baffled by the intricacies of writing, but I feel I have a better understanding of writing well. I'm going to refer to mr. Clark's Writers workbench from now on, or at least until I feel I am progressing well in my writing I really enjoy Ian Flemming's James Bond books, maybe I'll just read more of them to acuire a better verb writing stance. They call me Mabe, Denton Mabe.

325 words

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