The Heart And The Fist by Eric Greitens is a fast paced, real life thrill ride. It's also a heartwreanching glimse into societies that I wasn't familiar with. I learned so much from Eric's military experience. I can't believe that people have to go through that much to obtain the title of Navy Seal. Even at the academy Greitens was challenged, but nothing like Seal training. When Eric has to do through Hell Week in traing to be a seal, I could'nt believe the choas that he and his fellow recruits went through. Greitens is a born leader, so he leads his team around some obstacles and directs them in the best path. It was amusing to me when Eric said that it's not the meat heads that make the cut. It's the iron willed, Damascus steel hearted, men who prevail. Not the blow hards, the doers. The amount of charity work and giving that Eric does in his journeys is touching. He gives kids food when walking down the street, takes needy kids to soccer games, and does several other simple acts of kindness that build up into a legacy. It takes real courage to do these acts. Reading this book makes me want to go out and start helping people with a more hands on approach. Not just donate money, but look in their eyes and try to help personaly. I'm not saying that I could achieve that, just reflecting on doing good deeds. I think that more people need to be like Eric Greitens and this world would be a better place. I can only hope that my life story will seem as meaningful when I tell my story. Most likely that will be told to my kids, not nationwide.
293 words
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