Sunday, June 28, 2015

Driving to work

I am driving to work yesterday and my transit is about 30 miles south on 65 highway to Branson. Before I can even get to the highway I had a dog run out in front of me and had to slam on my brakes to avoid him. Luckily no one was injured. Maybe a little jarred, but that ok. As soon as I get on the highway my tire pressure light goes on so I pull over. I've got a nail in my tire. Great! Just what I need. I start to wonder if the dog placed it under my tire... hahaha! Just kidding. After I change to my donut tire I'm covered in grease and a little irritated. That's ok, I say and go on. As I get on the highway and drive about 10 miles, a car pulls out from a side road THE WRONG WAY! That's right, I'm cruising down the highway with 3 good tires, and a donut for the 4th at 60mph when this happens. I burn rubber, not in a fun way, along with my brake pads again to avoid this confused older woman who looks at me like it was my fault. Luckily, no one was behind me and I avoided all confrontation and continued to work. I am breathing easier and 2 miles from my exit, when I heard a "pop" from the left rear tire. I pull off of the road once again and see that my donut had a hole in it. Yeah, I think, feeling my blood pressure rising.  I can't get to work on 3 tires, so I call a buddy at work to pick me up on the way. It all works out and after work I get back to my car with another spare when I realize that someone had busted in my back windshield with a rock that still sat in my backseat floorboard. I throw my hands up and get in my car and drive home with the sound ofwind and glass wondering what I had done wrong in the universe to deserve this evening.

Words: 351


  1. Oh, man, I feel you bro. Been there done that and had those same thoughts.. As the saying goes, "Momma said there would be days like this"...but I didn't listen too well. I hope it doesn't cost to much to get that back glass fixed. Good Luck.


    1. Hey, thanks Lucas. I with you, I didn't listen well either! Thanks for the comment man.
