I got married 8 years ago to my beautiful wife Elizabeth. She was originaly from Warrington outside of St. Louis Missouri. I met her at my job where she was so shy and wouldn't talk to me at first. I finally went over to talk to her and the rest is history. We have had our ups and downs like any married couple. Call it marriage growing pains maybe. She is the best thing that ever happened to me and I thank God every day for her. I know what youre thinking, he has to say that, but I really mean every word of it. Since she has come along I have truly grown up and come to understand what a marriage is all about. It takes patience and commitment beyond anything I have ever attempted. But through working together, a marriage bares fruit for a happy and healthy life. I don't know what I was thinking or doing in my plan for life before I met her, but I know that 8 years later we have an excellent understanding and appreciation for each other. My wife went took a leap of faith for me by moving away from everything that she ever knew to be with me. I can't think of anyone else that has made that kind of commitment in my name. I wake up every day and see our love growing and changing in our marriage. We have a 4 years old son and two dogs. Call it a family! Being with the one that I was meant for makes me a better, more productive person. Sharing my life with the one I love is the best feeling in the world. You know when something just feels right? Following my heart has always been easy for me. That's why I know this works. My wife continues to challenge my character and guide me on paths that otherwise I would have not taken. It's truly a blessing being in a loving marriage. My wife is my other half, and together, we make our dreams come true. I can't believe she picked an old dog like me. I definitely married up!
362 words
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
I have always been obsessed with cars. Old, new, modified, it doesn't matter. I can find something to appreciate from almost any vehicle. I find myself looking and appreciating all different kind of cars when I'm driving. My wife says it's a guy thing, and maybe that's true. I have several friends that feel the same way. I know that cars are like boats, just money pits that depreciate in value every day. That fact doesn't stop me from really admiring these metal beasts. I'm a Chevy guy, so Camaros and pickup trucks really excite me. Even though everybody and their brother seem to drive one, I still find myself starring at them. I had a 98' 1500 Chevrolet step side truck when I was a teenager. I lifted it up and put big tires on it and truely cherished that truck. That was back before I had a child and more important priorities. I drive a chevy malibu now. A great family sedan, but no Camaro. It's amazing how your priorities change when you have a family. I wouldn't trade them for any car. I think my car obsession is passing to my son. He always says "look at that big truck", or "nice car dude". This amuses me greatly. It does not amuse my wife. She says "I don't need two of you talking about cars all the time now." I also like the Dodge Charger. I would prefer a classic model, but I also like the new ones. One day when I am rich "hahaha" I'll have my choice of cars to purchase. That is after I get done paying for my son's college.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Driving to work
I am driving to work yesterday and my transit is about 30 miles south on 65 highway to Branson. Before I can even get to the highway I had a dog run out in front of me and had to slam on my brakes to avoid him. Luckily no one was injured. Maybe a little jarred, but that ok. As soon as I get on the highway my tire pressure light goes on so I pull over. I've got a nail in my tire. Great! Just what I need. I start to wonder if the dog placed it under my tire... hahaha! Just kidding. After I change to my donut tire I'm covered in grease and a little irritated. That's ok, I say and go on. As I get on the highway and drive about 10 miles, a car pulls out from a side road THE WRONG WAY! That's right, I'm cruising down the highway with 3 good tires, and a donut for the 4th at 60mph when this happens. I burn rubber, not in a fun way, along with my brake pads again to avoid this confused older woman who looks at me like it was my fault. Luckily, no one was behind me and I avoided all confrontation and continued to work. I am breathing easier and 2 miles from my exit, when I heard a "pop" from the left rear tire. I pull off of the road once again and see that my donut had a hole in it. Yeah, I think, feeling my blood pressure rising. I can't get to work on 3 tires, so I call a buddy at work to pick me up on the way. It all works out and after work I get back to my car with another spare when I realize that someone had busted in my back windshield with a rock that still sat in my backseat floorboard. I throw my hands up and get in my car and drive home with the sound ofwind and glass wondering what I had done wrong in the universe to deserve this evening.
Words: 351
Saturday, June 27, 2015
The Heart And The Fist
The Heart And The Fist by Eric Greitens is a fast paced, real life thrill ride. It's also a heartwreanching glimse into societies that I wasn't familiar with. I learned so much from Eric's military experience. I can't believe that people have to go through that much to obtain the title of Navy Seal. Even at the academy Greitens was challenged, but nothing like Seal training. When Eric has to do through Hell Week in traing to be a seal, I could'nt believe the choas that he and his fellow recruits went through. Greitens is a born leader, so he leads his team around some obstacles and directs them in the best path. It was amusing to me when Eric said that it's not the meat heads that make the cut. It's the iron willed, Damascus steel hearted, men who prevail. Not the blow hards, the doers. The amount of charity work and giving that Eric does in his journeys is touching. He gives kids food when walking down the street, takes needy kids to soccer games, and does several other simple acts of kindness that build up into a legacy. It takes real courage to do these acts. Reading this book makes me want to go out and start helping people with a more hands on approach. Not just donate money, but look in their eyes and try to help personaly. I'm not saying that I could achieve that, just reflecting on doing good deeds. I think that more people need to be like Eric Greitens and this world would be a better place. I can only hope that my life story will seem as meaningful when I tell my story. Most likely that will be told to my kids, not nationwide.
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Friday, June 26, 2015
Know Your Audience Analysis
I really enjoyed reading everyone's questions and comments on the discussion board. In reading the "what is your dream job" answers I was surprised at how selfless a lot of my classmates were. Dream occupations included registered nurse, psychiatrist, school nurse and working at a nonprofit animal shelter. People that want to give for the wellbeing of others often the happiest in my view. I did not answer this question, but would have to say that I love to sing. I do that for a living now. If I had to pick another occupation, it would definitely be one that helps people. I have a big heart and find joy in helping others.
Professor Anthony's question about what color is your attitude really got me thinking. I immediately felt like I knew the class a little better by how they represented their attitudes with colors. I could relate to aspects of all colors, but to pick one was a little tricky. I also enjoyed Abbie Jones's answer to Carrie Sandwald's what three people past, present, and future; would you have dinner with. One of Abbie's answers was her future self. Think of all the things one could learn and change. That would be a very interesting conversation. Although, sometimes I think we are not meant to know what the future holds.
Our class has answered through the discussion:
1: Hawaii or other tropical destinations are the favorite places to live. I think that tropical destinations are high on the list because of where we live. Maybe it would be different if we lived in Florida?
2: Our classes favorite flowers are roses, followed by lilies and daisies. My choice would be calla lilies. My wife and I love the shape and design of these flowers.
3: Top choice for a roommate are family or friends. No one beats a family member or trusted friend with living with you. I would like to answer this question now by saying my wife. My wife and I have been roommates for eight years, and I have grown to trust and appreciate her more with each passing day. I can not imagine a day without her.
One thing that surprised me was the classes favorite singers. I have not even heard of some of these artists and I am a singer. I guess I am just getting old and out of touch with the times. It is amazing to me how much this country has to offer in different varieties of music. Music has been the focus of my life and I am always open to different kinds from all over. I will have to check in on some of these artists.
I believe that I have learned a lot more about my classmates through these discussions and I have had a glimpse into knowing them better. I have some new music to listen to, different flowers to appreciate, a wider belief in family values, some new vacation destinations and a deeper respect for my classmates. I am amazed at the commonalities of my class. It just goes to show you that the people in this world are not always so different.
Professor Anthony's question about what color is your attitude really got me thinking. I immediately felt like I knew the class a little better by how they represented their attitudes with colors. I could relate to aspects of all colors, but to pick one was a little tricky. I also enjoyed Abbie Jones's answer to Carrie Sandwald's what three people past, present, and future; would you have dinner with. One of Abbie's answers was her future self. Think of all the things one could learn and change. That would be a very interesting conversation. Although, sometimes I think we are not meant to know what the future holds.
Our class has answered through the discussion:
1: Hawaii or other tropical destinations are the favorite places to live. I think that tropical destinations are high on the list because of where we live. Maybe it would be different if we lived in Florida?
2: Our classes favorite flowers are roses, followed by lilies and daisies. My choice would be calla lilies. My wife and I love the shape and design of these flowers.
3: Top choice for a roommate are family or friends. No one beats a family member or trusted friend with living with you. I would like to answer this question now by saying my wife. My wife and I have been roommates for eight years, and I have grown to trust and appreciate her more with each passing day. I can not imagine a day without her.
One thing that surprised me was the classes favorite singers. I have not even heard of some of these artists and I am a singer. I guess I am just getting old and out of touch with the times. It is amazing to me how much this country has to offer in different varieties of music. Music has been the focus of my life and I am always open to different kinds from all over. I will have to check in on some of these artists.
I believe that I have learned a lot more about my classmates through these discussions and I have had a glimpse into knowing them better. I have some new music to listen to, different flowers to appreciate, a wider belief in family values, some new vacation destinations and a deeper respect for my classmates. I am amazed at the commonalities of my class. It just goes to show you that the people in this world are not always so different.
The Doctor
I went to the doctor today to have my annual checkup. I always get nervous when I go to my doctor. Even though I've always been healthy and never had any problems, I guess I am thinking that this is the time that I'm going to get bad news. There is something about going into a room and sitting with all of these cold tables and utensils that just seems alien. When the doctor comes in, he is always pleasant, but the whole atmosphere has already put me on edge. I do not think I'm the only one who feels like this. There is a certain stigma with the doctors office that generally puts people on edge. Think about it, the doctors office is always the place that you get the bad news. My father wouldn't even go unless he was about to fall over. I have known many people that react the same way. After my dad passed away, I make it a habit of going regularly. Since his death, I have found myself more nervous when going. I'm always thinking "This is the time when you get the bad news." I know this adds to my paranioa. Am I crazy to think this? Anyway, the older I get, the harder it is to go through the process of getting a checkup. I know it is best to go, but sometimes I think that I am just torturing myself. I'll just wait for the bloodwork to come back and try not to dwell on things I can't change. I guess doctors are there to help, huh?
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Thursday, June 25, 2015
My Dog:
My dog's name is Rico. He is a black Labrador. My wife and I got him a couple of months after we got married. I can't believe he is already eight years old. Time flies when your having fun huh. Rico got his name from literally bouncing off the walls like ricochet. He has always been there for me and my wife. Hes a spaz and often gets so excited that he pukes on the floor, but he's my buddy. My son loves him and he does well with kids. It;s amazing how well a dog can be a babysitter at times. Rico just lets my Phoenix crawl all over him and just looks at me like "help", why are you letting him do this to me? I think he likes it though. Rico makes a good horse for a kid. Hes got to be the fastest dog ive ever seen. he only weighs 60 pounds so hes like all muscle. I bet he could win a gold medal in the dog olympics. Is there a dog olympics? Ill have to look into that i guess. Rico is getting older now and it makes me sad to think of when hesd gone. Hes only 8 so maybe he'll live to be like 15. Hes been there through the good and bad and I think of him like a son. He was our first child my wife and I often joke. he also lays in your lap just like a well lapdog. Hes a big baby but ricoo is the best dog ever. I wouldnt trade him for anythhing.
270 words
My dog's name is Rico. He is a black Labrador. My wife and I got him a couple of months after we got married. I can't believe he is already eight years old. Time flies when your having fun huh. Rico got his name from literally bouncing off the walls like ricochet. He has always been there for me and my wife. Hes a spaz and often gets so excited that he pukes on the floor, but he's my buddy. My son loves him and he does well with kids. It;s amazing how well a dog can be a babysitter at times. Rico just lets my Phoenix crawl all over him and just looks at me like "help", why are you letting him do this to me? I think he likes it though. Rico makes a good horse for a kid. Hes got to be the fastest dog ive ever seen. he only weighs 60 pounds so hes like all muscle. I bet he could win a gold medal in the dog olympics. Is there a dog olympics? Ill have to look into that i guess. Rico is getting older now and it makes me sad to think of when hesd gone. Hes only 8 so maybe he'll live to be like 15. Hes been there through the good and bad and I think of him like a son. He was our first child my wife and I often joke. he also lays in your lap just like a well lapdog. Hes a big baby but ricoo is the best dog ever. I wouldnt trade him for anythhing.
270 words
Saturday, June 20, 2015
I believe that I am a good father because my son is my world. I play with him in the floor and have more fun than he does. I am just a big kid at heart so parenting is easy for me. It doesn't hurt that my son is like a mini-me and loves everything I used to. We watch old movies I did when I was a kid and get too loud and mom yells at us. I guess it will be harder when he gets older, but I look forward to raising my son. kids don't always like what parents have to say, but I think that I make parenting fun. Yeah, I have to be the bad guy every once in a while, I don't want a monkey swinging from the ceiling fan. Actually, if we could get away with it, I probably would swing with him from the fan. I know what your thinking, responsable parents don't do that. I never said I was totally reponsible all the time. Time, that is he problem isn't it. In no time my son was three. It seems like two months ago he was three months old and I was holding him wondering if I could do this. Well it's almost four yesrs later and he's still alive. Its a miracle! Having kids really does change yor priorities. Hes my whole life and I cherish ecvery minute with him. I just worry about the day he outgrows me and doesnt want tp play anymore!
255 words
255 words
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Jung Typology Test Reflection
I took the Jung Typology Test and was interested in the results. I'm apparently ISFP which describes me as a procrastinator along with being, "flexible, practical, action-oriented, and empathetic."(Jung) The test also concluded that, "I am often light-hearted, joyful, and easy-going."(Jung) Thinking on this I agree with most conclusions, but was surprised with the part that said I did not think about future implications for my actions. As I say this out loud my wife smiles and says, "That does describe you totally!" We banter shortly before I conclude she is correct, like always! It is amusing to me how other people close to you can
sometimes see you better than you see yourself.
I have always been there for people and felt like I was considerate of their feelings. One can never be too old to learn more about themselves. I find it interesting that a test can really encompass everyone in the world, but maybe that is just my ISFP traits talking?
When I scrolled down to the Career section I saw examples of jobs that would be fitting for me. "Reflects their inner values and fulfills a greater purpose, meets a need, or helps others."( Jung) These were represented by several occupations including : physical therapy and massage therapy. It looks like I am heading for the right job field. The Jung test has all kinds of lists pertaining to me and my career decisions and college decisions. Reflecting back on this test will help me in school and in the my occupations in the future.
sometimes see you better than you see yourself.
I have always been there for people and felt like I was considerate of their feelings. One can never be too old to learn more about themselves. I find it interesting that a test can really encompass everyone in the world, but maybe that is just my ISFP traits talking?
When I scrolled down to the Career section I saw examples of jobs that would be fitting for me. "Reflects their inner values and fulfills a greater purpose, meets a need, or helps others."( Jung) These were represented by several occupations including : physical therapy and massage therapy. It looks like I am heading for the right job field. The Jung test has all kinds of lists pertaining to me and my career decisions and college decisions. Reflecting back on this test will help me in school and in the my occupations in the future.
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